Custom Design - Manufacturing - Project Management

Manufactured for the perfect fit on any boat make and model such as Sea Ray, Tiara, Sunseeker, Formula, Viking, & much more. All of our boat mattresses are custom made & handcrafted as per order with quality, comfort, & support.

Mattresses are made in various options including pocket coils, cool gel memory foam, and latex.

Every boat mattress includes a mildew-resistant fabric at the bottom. We specialize in any size and shape mattresses that have bevels, hinges, curves, angles, etc. for your V-berth, Forward Berth, Island Berth, Aft Cabin, VIP Stateroom, Guest Stateroom, or Master Stateroom.

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Inner Sprung Mattresses

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Laminated Foam composites 

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We also specialise in providing replacement foam for boat cushions and mattresses. Ranging from long boats, motor cruisers and sailing boats to the most select of cruise ships. Everything we make is tailored to your needs and is individually crafted to fit your design specifications with care.

During Desert Storm we manufactured bedding for strike craft in Seattle.

We can cut cushions and mattresses to any size requirements and take into account any cut-outs or special details like edges that are chamfered or curving.

We have worked with many of the  boating designs  in the world, and with our experience as a marine specialist, you can be assured you will get the best foam for your marine application. 

I still believe for a perfect fit and feel individual templating - patterning  is a must. Although we do have many production patterns on CAD file. 

Every material choice has different design and manufacturing requirements.


Patterning - Templating the shapes 


Using a reasonably stiff paper is the best material for templating the bottom shape. When it comes to the hull angle you need to take into consideration whether you are making an inner sprung mattress or a foam mattress or cushion. If you are making  an inner sprung cushion with a metal frame you need to leave sufficient space for the bedding to be tucked in. Thus the size is going to have to cater for this. Like wise if there is a hatch or lazarette you need to make sure any hinges in the foam are catered for. Please remember you need to keep your foam 1/4 inch larger to puff the fabric our so that the fabric is not loose on the cushion. 

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Choosing and cutting Foam


Choosing and cutting the foam normally requires a little concentration whether you are using an electric bread knife or a hot wire. Once you have the schedule laminates decided with the client for the feel and firmness you can laminate(glue) the foam layers you have cut. I normally make sure the foam is 1/2 an inch larger than the template / pattern to give "puff" to the bed or cushion as the fabric coverings are to be exactly to size for a perfect fit and clean look with out wrinkles or excess loose fabric. Tufting and low density foam or scrim is often used for the final shaping and fell of the bed or cushion. This is often stitched into the fabric top layer.   


marine Foams and springs

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Scrims, latex foam. molded shapes,  high to low density and memory foams, along with various types of tufting are all employed specifically to shape form and create the desired look style fit and comfort for a particular piece or portion thereof.

Stainless Inner springs inside molded foam as well as composite molded springs shaped to slide into  pre-molded foam form ready for laminating memory and poly fiber tufting are all available. 

Weight size  hinging and functionality for all weather or interior applications all play a roll in the foam material choice we make.

Having worked will traditional and the latest foams and polymer scrims in many different marine industrial applications other than upholstery has given me insight into creating lighter stronger and longer lasting substrates to your cushions and bedding requirements.



Building the perfect cushion or mattress can be challenging but the final finish is what gives a yacht its "look".

These can be both challenging and technically difficult jobs requiring the use of lightweight poly carbonate stiffners to create forms and hold a shape. I have used polystyrene, poly carbonate sheets and many different foams to create the the look and feel for a specific cushion, sunbed or accessory therefore 

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