Yacht Interior Design & Fabrication
Custom Design - Manufacturing - Project Management
This gallery should give you some idea of my capabilities and experience. I have over 2000 pics of structural jobs I have done on various projects around the world over 25 or more years. If you would like information on a specific area please let me know.
Cabin alterations, port-lights, hatches, along with pop-up or down flat screen systems and new dash boards for navigational systems are the norm. Head liners and hull liners along with decking and cabin sole make the next grouping, while fitted and snap in carpeting pretty much covers the lot.
Electrics and electronics play a major role in the designing of an interior and knowing how the various systems function and how they are to be maintained and serviced will affect your design.
Whether one is designing or fabricating a new interior or altering an existing interior there are many factors to take into consideration.
An example is the functionality, weight and keeping within the aesthetics of the vessel as a whole.