Spray-hood DESIGN

 Custom Design - Manufacturing - Project Management

Initial Drafting

  • The first step is to draw out a basic design of the clients requirements aesthetically.

  • This does not always work with what the lines of the boat.

  • It is important for both the canvas company's reputation and the resale value of the boat  that the design of the dodger follows the line of the boat

  • and functions correctly with all running gear on board.

Client Relations

Modern Wall Hangings
  • Once an initial draft of the dodger design has been done and accepted by the client / boat owner the computer draft can be created which helps in the patterning process.

  • Special attention needs to be made to the clients height and visibility above and beneath the dodger by the helmsman. 

  • At this point a 3D spacial model can be created to ascertain clearance space between the dodger frames and the winches / running gear.

  • Now the client can have a better idea as to the functionality of the dodger design and any limitations it may have .

  • Compromises are part of the process.


  • Throw or length and width. are the first along with height that need to be considered.

  • Many of the newer boats lend the dodger design to squarer corners which maximize the interior space but make the outside deck walkways narrower.

  • Special attention to Jib lines need to to be made as newer boats have furling lines and cleating systems that also nee to be taken into account. 


  • Boom height with vang constrictions. along with traveler and main sheeting is another running gear compromise that affects the dodger design and functionality. 

  • Depending on the length of the main sheeting traveler and the expertise of the sailor the curvature of the aft bow for the dodger can be dicussed.

  • The rounded curve will be a safer choice if the main sail jibes but will limit the coverage and protection the dodger offers. 

  • Sharp corners present snagging locations for the main sheeting and could cause serious damage and or injury in the case of a hard jibe.

  • Often re-cutting the sail can optimize the dodger design both for aesthetic and functionality reasons.

Designing for Enclosure Extensions 

  • One normally designs a dodger as a stand alone piece of hardware.

  • However, taking into account what the next owner might want or what the current owner might actually require  and possibly order the next time round is again something we need to take into account,  

  • The lines for the enclosure need to be as simple as possible.

  • The simpler you can make the dodger and incorporate the features for for connectors, the easier it will be for an enclosure to be incorporated.

  • Keeping where possible a Straight line from the bimini to the dodger is ideal but not always possible.

  • Please at this point take into account weather! 


  • Here we need to take into account the weather and the amount of windage the dodger and an enclosure can present in adverse conditions.

  • As the wind picks up  a large enclosure while offering comfortable accommodations  can cause a boat to have increased weather helm and in severe conditions 40 knots plus can inhibit the boat from maintaining a course.

  • Please try when deciding on a design to enable the dodger and enclosure to have reasonably rounded bows and curve to enable the vessel in adverse weather to perform as intended. 

  • If on the other hand you have a large motor on board and the vessel is over 35 tons you don't need to pay as much attention to this factor. 

  • Performance yachts normally need special attention to detail.